Sunday, January 12, 2014

Simple Steps for Better Following - 4. Respond Actively

Part 4 in our "Instant Gratification" series for Followers!

Respond Actively

A novice can be led to walk and to dance simple figures, but they'll respond passively. They'll do the steps that the lead is suggesting, but they won't add any energy or quality to the movements. 

To the leader, the passive follower has a "low energy" feel. They'll let us take them in various directions, but we're doing the work. There's no sense of shared energy between leader and follower.

An experience and well-trained follower adds emphasis and zest to each step. When she feels the intention of the lead, she analyzes the size, direction, and intensity of the step that the leader is suggesting, and then she takes the step using her own energy.

This technique is known as active following.

From the leader's perspective, active following feels like power steering. The follower is responsive, energetic, and self-propelled. Movements take on a dynamic quality, and we don't feel as though we are pushing her into position.

Dancing with an active follower is a joy. Simple walking becomes an elegant and sophisticated dance. The molinete soars. Musical interpretation takes on a new dimension.

Respond actively. Leaders love the energy and responsiveness of an active follower. If you dance like they, they'll be back for more.

¡Buena suerte, amigos, y muchas gracias!

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