I had a wonderful experience a few years ago when a former practice partner joined me for a trip to the milonga. We hadn't seen each other for a couple of years - her job had taken her overseas - but when she passed through New York, we found room in our schedules for some tango.
Our dances together were sheer joy. We always had a natural tango chemistry. I used to joke with her that we could go six months without dancing and pick up right where we left off. Now, even after two years, our partnership was still as smooth and connected as ever.
At one point, when I did a step sequence that we used to practice together, my friend let out an audible "Wow!"
I was surprised. "We used to do that step all the time!"
"I know," she recalled, "but it's so much smoother now!"
In my mind, I was executing the step the same the way that I always had. But to my friend who hadn't danced with me in two years, the improvement that I had made in two years of additional practice was not only apparent, but obvious.
The moral of the story is: Keep working on it!
If it's rough, keep working on it. Focus on what you need to do to improve it, and over time it will get better.
If you think that it's pretty good already, keep working on it. Techniques can always be improved. You won't see the improvement, but your friends will notice when the time comes.
If you think that your technique is already spectacular, keep working on it. The best of the best in every field continue to strive to improve. They work on improving their technique every day. That's why they're the best of the best.
Until next time ... Keep working on it!
¡Buena suerte amigos, y muchas gracias!
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