Friday, August 2, 2013

'The Horse Farm' - Part Twenty-One

A light breeze filtered through the half-open windows and teased the curtains with gently oscillating movements. The night was mostly silent save for the soft hum of crickets and the occasional sound of automobiles passing in the distance. She kissed his shoulder and tasted sweat. His body had a healthful scent, enticing and mild.

From above he breathed on her neck over the spot that he had been kissing moments before. How long before was unclear, as time had rearranged itself. Minutes stretched and hours compressed into a curving distortion on the linear pace of life.

She felt his strength coupled with a caring tenderness, and she wondered how anyone could make sense of it, this primal blend of force and intimate touch. Both were required to elevate the senses to maximum intensity. It reflects the complexities of life, she mused, and the abundant miracles of nature. There is a duality in the physical world and in the thoughts and emotions of women and men. So, too, with the quintessential act of human connection.

They looked into each other's eyes. He reached under her leg to raise a knee. As she raised the other side to match, he responded with increasingly powerful movements. He held her now between his forearms as she closed her eyes in anticipation.

Heart rates accelerated as they surfed through waves of tension and release, order and chaos, rise and fall. At one point she imagined that he could see right through her, the body and the spirit merged into a single translucent form, diffracting light, bending it as water would to reveal the secrets of the deep. Their physical bodies moved aside as the souls made love togetherCompletely exposed and comfortable, she was his prism now, and he would see the world through the lens of her being for the rest of his days.

Once the waves had crested and the seas returned to calm, they breathed and rested side by side. He wiped his face with the back of his hand and she kissed him. He kissed her back, and they continued for several minutes, his fingers occasionally brushing her cheek.

In the pre-dawn hours they awoke together in a curled embrace, he behind she and facing the same direction. His arm was draped delicately around her waist and torso. The sounds outside were more muted now, but the same light breeze blew in against the curtains.

'The Horse Farm'
Copyright © 2013 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

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